Sunday, March 24, 2019

2nd Chapter - The Awakening

3/19/2019 at 10:00 a.m., when I was going to learn at last who my Star Seed family was.

The session began with a couple of surprised gestures from the translator.

I was told I am tying my shoelaces to start the marathon of my next chapter, but not alone.

My prior one being that of a 3d human exclusively.

Now I'm a human in 3d, simultaneously learning to embody what I set out to do while I was exclusively part of the Ashtar federation.  I "worked" from the federation to set out grids for the earth and to help the earth.  I am intimate with the beingness of other galactics like the Pleides, Syrians, etc., and of all the things that took place from the beginning of our great planet, Earth, like the Egyptians, etc.

Although unnecessary according to Ashtar, I elected to drop down into 3d to play and then do my mission.  I was told by Ashtar, to continue being in 3d but to wake up to my mission and begin doing it.   It will be like learning to ride a bike or swim.  I set out to do it, knowing there is a learning curve with practice, but that once I learn it, I must then share with others what I see and hear.

Tie up my shoelaces and get working.  Part of that included my opening my crown chakra to Ashtar, The 24 and my Higher Self, asking for continued activations and to have total faith in listening.

I was told that many on Earth aspire to be aligned with Ashtar and that he channels through others, but with me, he will not only channel through me, he is literally with me, 24/7, which I am told is unique.  He is WITH me to ensure I accomplish my mission which I gathered was to live in joy while reminding others why they are here what their mission is.  Now is not the time to be an introvert.

I was told in 3 years, I would be a completely different person than I am now.  The guidance I receive from Ashtar and The 24, the introvert will be replaced with the embodiment of my mission of bringing in more light with grace, using my inherent abilities to laugh and joy.  This will carry over to those around me once exposed to my frequencies, coated with laughter and joy.  We are raising the frequencies to help our planet return to her 5th dimensional origin and then on to 7th.

I was told Ashtar (command) is from the 6th dimension, while The 24 are from the 24th dimension.

Who I am as a human is different than who I am as a light being.

It is more difficult to communicate with The 24 since my body is not within range to comprehend their frequency, with the 21-dimension difference.  I was told my body, which acts like an antenna, will receive knowingness on what to do next and that I am to trust what it tells me.  I was told I have no blockages within my system to obstruct any messages.

Anytime I needed help, I was asked to demand "my team" assist.  The word "demand" was used to emphasize to my human self that I am more than worthy for them to help me, as they are with me in  3d to assist with my mission.  Since there is free weill, they can only help once called upon.

I was advised I tried dropping down before, but since it was determined that the safety of my humanhood is better suited for now, that this is the only time I've been a human, although I'm familiar with being human from the higher perspective of the Ashtar federation.  I am here to do my mission with no plans to return as a human.

I elected to be here, unnecessarily since I was assisting the planet for thousands of years with Ashtar.  My mission was to be a fully embodied in a human vessel with Ashtar and The 24 and to work within this avatar to only what I can surmise to say is to assist others when they awaken and remind them who they are and why they elected to come here.

I set out to discover Ashtar and The 24 solely through guided messages.

On the bring of the Spring Solstice, I begin Chapter 2 where I am to stay in my human body with my breath and with an awareness of my higher up friends, lol

Went to Crystal Garden and got a chunky rose quartz piece.  Now I'm surrounding myself with rose quartz and am handling my rose quartz wand and drooling over the gummy rose quartz free form.   Not sure if there is a correlation with today, but I know in my now moment, I'm resonating with rose quartz!

Relistening to transmission and Ashtar made it clear there are no blockages to my receiving messages.  It made me think of the time I was floating all the time and the dream where all of the stuck energies in my chakras were pulled out.  I'm thinking there must be a correlation.  That dream was maybe 3 months ago.  Very interesting.

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